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All-New Podcast-Enhanced Lead Gen & Selling Strategies In a B2B selling environment where maintaining thought leadership is essential for enhancing the company's brand and establishing a credible reputation as a trusted advisor, podcasts provide a continuous source of the highest quality content, delivered weekly, straight from the perspectives of customers, prospects, and industry experts—fueling meaningful Account-BasedMarketing(ABM)salesconversations. TheTop5reasonswhypodcastsdeliveradirectimpactonleadgeneration andABMsalesactivitiesare: ● First, a significant portion of luminaries, clients, and prospects not only accept podcast invitations but are genuinely appreciative, offering a majorrelationship-building opportunity—onaweeklybasis ● Second,podcastsprovidethecriticalcomponentofoutsidevalidation of the company’s unique POV being presented to the market ○ Thisisaccomplishedbyaddingperspectives,insights,and recommendationsfromthepeercommunityofyourICPs ● Third, we recommendthat75%ofpodcastguestsarerevenue targets from clients with the best expansion opportunities to priority prospects in the pipeline. Podcasts should also be used to invite high-priority prospects onto the podcasts as guests when a conversation has yet to be started—a cold lead generation strategy ○ Thiscreatesahealthydoseofcompetitionamongthesalesteam to have their prospects onto the podcast by meeting their quotas andSLAswithmarketing. ○ It also ensures the voice of your ICP is paving the road in front of yours. ○ Seethis4:59videoonrevenuegenerationtargetsaspodcast guests from a companythathasexecutedthisstrategy. 4

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