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Podcast-Enhanced Thought Leadership Strategy STRATEGY:Tocraftexceptional thought leadership content through ongoing podcast interviews with customers and prospects within your ICP—fueling all-new conversations within the buyer’s journey, directly impacting lead generation, sales, and revenue. Wewillexecutethisstrategybyelevatingyourcompany'sbrandreputation, enhancingthesalesteam'simageastrustedadvisors,invitinghigh-priority revenuetargetsasprominentpodcastguests(clients&prospects),obtaining external validations of your company's unique POV, creating a steady stream of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) conversation catalysts for the sales team, andestablishing an internal knowledge hub that showcases the voice of your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) through carefully curated interviews. Carefully orchestrated podcast episodes and chosen topics will be used to fill ICP/vertical market content gaps on a weekly basis. It's also worth emphasizingthatasacompany'sindustryexpertisegrows,theperceived value of its products and services rises. The impact of thought leadership content is undeniable at every stage of the buyer's journey. “95%ofB2Bdecision-makersstatedthatevenbeforecontactingasupplier, feeling a sense of connection to a supplier’s brand is as important as feeling confident about what they do.” - LinkedIn This thought leadership strategy, amplified by podcasts, is strategically crafted to significantly bolster your go-to-market plans with minimal demandsonacompany’sinternalteams. 3

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