What’s Inside [2:41] Introduction to Jill Blondin, Ph.D. [36:50] Full Podcast Episode [4:00] The Vital Importance of Global Engagement [2:30] Global Engagement's Role in Tackling Enrollment Decline [6:25] The D.A.R.E. to Be Global Strategy: Explained [5:15] Strategic Budgeting Best Practices [4:08] Advocacy & Being a Champion for the Institution's Mission [5:08] Budgeting Mistakes and Avoiding Delusional Strategies [1:31] Increasing Impact on Students’ Lives [2:37] Generosity and a Win-Win Approach [:53] The Vital Importance of Global Engagement

Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement" - Page 2 Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement" Page 1 Page 3