Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement"

Jill Blondin, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost, underscores the significance of global engagement in higher education. She advocates for institutions prioritizing global involvement, citing student, faculty, and staff advantages. Jill references VCU's internationalization plan, "Dare to be Global," emphasizing data-driven decisions, accessibility, recruitment, and engagement. She emphasizes the importance of continuous advocacy and strategic budgeting to secure resources while encouraging collaboration and a "we can all win" approach.





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HIGHLIGHTS FROM GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT INSIGHTS EPISODE 8 Jill Blondin, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at Virginia Commonwealth University Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement

What’s Inside [2:41] Introduction to Jill Blondin, Ph.D. [36:50] Full Podcast Episode [4:00] The Vital Importance of Global Engagement [2:30] Global Engagement's Role in Tackling Enrollment Decline [6:25] The D.A.R.E. to Be Global Strategy: Explained [5:15] Strategic Budgeting Best Practices [4:08] Advocacy & Being a Champion for the Institution's Mission [5:08] Budgeting Mistakes and Avoiding Delusional Strategies [1:31] Increasing Impact on Students’ Lives [2:37] Generosity and a Win-Win Approach [:53] The Vital Importance of Global Engagement

Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement" - Page 2

A Podcast with Jill Blondin Jill Blondin, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost and “SIO of the Year,” underscores the significance of global engagement in higher education. She advocates for institutions prioritizing global involvement, citing student, faculty, and staff advantages. Jill references VCU's internationalization plan, "Dare to be Global," emphasizing data- driven decisions, accessibility, recruitment, and engagement. She emphasizes the importance of continuous advocacy and strategic budgeting to secure resources while encouraging collaboration and a "we can all win" approach. .

Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement" - Page 3

Full Episode “International education is vital to the importance of the institution because every institution going forward is a global institution, whether they like it or not.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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Full Episode: Topics Covered 1. The Vital Importance of Global Engagement 2. Dare to Be Global: A Strategic Approach to Internationalization 3. Strategic Budgeting Best Practices 4. Balancing Proactivity and Reactivity 5. The Power of Collaboration and Advocacy

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(4:00 Video) The Vital Importance of Global Engagement “I can’t overemphasize enough how important it is to be globally engaged as an institution.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(2:30 Video) Global Engagement's Role in Tackling Enrollment Decline "It's our job to provide opportunities for all students that can translate into their success. And when we lead with that, we present those opportunities. I think more students are interested in studying in our institutions..” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(6:25 Video) The D.A.R.E. to Be Global Strategy: Explained “The genius behind the plan is how aligned with our mission at VCU it is.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(5:15 Video) Strategic Budgeting Best Practices "The international office touches everything in a way that very few things that the institution do." —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(4:08 Video) Advocacy & Being a Champion for the Institution's Mission “My role at the institution as the Senior International Officer is as an advocate. It is the hat I never take off. Without question, the most important part of my job is that advocacy piece.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(5:08 Video) Budgeting Mistakes and Avoiding Delusional Strategies "There are many more strategic ways that you can look at helping students that aren’t as resource intense.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(1:31 Video) Increasing Impact on Students’ Lives “The ability to impact the lives of all students at your institution through on-campus global programming is limitless.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(2:36 Video) Generosity and a Win-Win Approach “Treating people with a generosity of spirit and an approach that we can all win is something that I think is so critical to the success of international education." —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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(:53 Video) The Vital Importance of Global Engagement “I can't overemphasize enough how important it is to be globally engaged as an institution. In some ways, it's not a choice to be global, but it is a choice as to how you will engage.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

Jill Blondin - "Best Practices for Funding and Growing Global Engagement" - Page 14

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