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Table of Contents • [0:57] Introduction to Rhiannon Staples • [27:18] Full Podcast Episode • [1:14] The Crucial Role of ICPs in Business Growth • [1:34] Identifying Ideal Customer Profiles Through Data-Driven Focus • [2:15] Balancing Growth While Maintaining Core ICP Focus • [1:18] How Big Deals Disrupt Product Development and Growth • [2:40] Aligning C-Suite Conversations with Data-Driven Decisions • [2:28] Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Strategic ICP Management • [3:49] Strategies to Navigate Complex Buying Committees for B2B Success • [2:03] Leveraging Customer Experience as a Competitive Advantage • [1:28] Enhancing Customer Relationships Through Effective ICP Alignment • [1:03] Empowering Business Growth Through Strategic Alignment • [0:44] CMO’s Role in Defining and Enhancing ICP Focus • [0:48] Short - Strategies to Navigate Complex Buying Committees for B2B Success

Aligning the Entire Executive Team Behind Your ICP - Page 2 Aligning the Entire Executive Team Behind Your ICP Page 1 Page 3