Madelene Motin, Head of Customer Service at STRONGER 4. Omnichannel Support Today's customers don't think in terms of channels—they expect to be able to interact with brands seamlessly across multiple touchpoints. The solution is to implement a true omnichannel strategy that goes beyond simply offering multiple channels to creating an integrated, cohesive experience across all of them. HHoowweevveerr,, mmoorree cchhaannnneellss ddoonn''tt aallwwaayyss mmeeaann bbeetttteerr sseerrvviiccee.. SSmmaarrtt companies are actually streamlining their channel offerings, focusing on excellence in the channels their customers use most. By concentrating resources on key channels like chat, phone, and email, companies can ensure consistently high-quality support rather than spreading themselves thin trying to be everywhere at once. This focused approach needs more than just technology—it ddeemmaannddss aa sshhiifftt iinn tthhiinnkkiinngg.. CCoommppaanniieess nneeeedd ttoo bbrreeaakk ddoowwnn channel-specific silos and reimagine their customer journeys holistically. This means ensuring that customers can start an interaction on one channel and seamlessly continue it on another, with all context and information preserved. Harini Gokul, Chief Customer Officer at Entrust Page 19
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