Whenistherighttimetostartaweeklypodcast? ● If the company has an established brand strategy and POV that have yet to be fully validated by external experts, clients, and prospects, podcasting can lead to immediate contributions and successes. ● If lead generation efforts through marketing campaigns can benefit fromhigherqualitycontenttoachievebetterROI. ● If the company's sales team needs additional assistance in continually addingvaluetoandmaintainingmomentumwithintheircurrent pipeline conversations. ● If lead generation help is desired to crack open the door to new prospect organizations where conversations have yet to be started. ● If achieving a higher degree of alignment and ownership over sales enablementstrategiescouldfurtherenhancetherelationshipbetween marketingandsales. ● If nurturing thousands of ICP relationships through regular email newsletters (for pennies on the dollar) is a priority, or testing thought leadership themes and topics through email engagement metrics such as openandclick-throughratesarecrucialforexecutingstrategies and allocating resources. 10

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