The Vital Importance of International Education

All podcast guests were asked the same question: Rate the importance of global engagement for higher education on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being unimportant and 10 indicating its vital role in the institution's overall growth and success. The following are their answers and unique perspectives.





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Terra Dotta

Alison Nagy

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HIGHLIGHTS FROM GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT EXPERTS The Vital Importance of Global Engagement to Higher Education

Rating The Importance of International Education All podcast guests were asked the same question: Rate the importance of global engagement for higher education on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being unimportant and 10 indicating its vital role in the institution's overall growth and success. The following are their answers and unique perspectives.

Expert Perspectives [5:18] Paulo Zagalo-Melo, Associate Provost at Western Michigan University [0:53] Jill Blondin, Ph.D., Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at Virginia Commonwealth University & SIO of the year [0:59] Alison Nagy, Associate Director, Abroad at American University [2:26] Paul Hofmann, Senior International Officer at the University of Louisville [0:00] Jason Kinnear, Associate Dean of Study Abroad & Exchanges at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Vital Importance of International Education - Page 3

Rating The Importance of International Education Paulo Zagalo-Melo Associate Provost at Western Michigan University ” I put it at the highest portion of the scale. It's essential for many reasons. It's essential financially because it helps with international open enrollment, growth, and the organization's financial sustainability, and it opens the RATING: door to an enrollment market that The is growing. That part is obviously Highest Portion Of meaningful financially." The Scale

(5:18 Video) International Education: The #1 Growth Market for Higher Education “I’d love to see what other economic areas of activity grew by similar percentages (70%) within just one decade while the number of international students in the U.S. grew exponentially.” —PAULO ZAGALO-MELO

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Rating The Importance of International Education Jill Blondin, Ph.D. Associate Vice Provost for Global Initiatives at Virginia Commonwealth University & SIO of the year ”The way I would answer it is to say it's 11. It's vital to the institution's importance because every institution in 2023 and 2024, going forward, will be a global institution, whether they like it or not. It's just how they choose to engage, and you want to do that thoughtfully because it's important for RATING: 11 out of 10 the success of your students, faculty, and staff."

(:53 Video) The Vital Importance of Global Engagement “I can't overemphasize enough how important it is to be globally engaged as an institution. In some ways, it's not a choice to be global, but it is a choice as to how you will engage.” —JILL BLONDIN, PH.D.

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Rating The Importance of International Education Alison Nagy Associate Director, Abroad at American University ” We have 60% plus study abroad participation. We don't have 100% participation in study abroad, and I don't want to take that for granted. There are always more students that can be reached. There are always more students who aren't going to self-identify and come to us in terms of studying abroad, so we will always have more work to RATING: Limitless do to encourage those students to study abroad.."

(0:59 Video) Limitless Growth Beyond 60% IE Participation "There are always more students that can be reached. There are always students who come in wanting to meet with us in the first semester of their freshman year, saying I want to study abroad." —ALISON NAGY

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Rating The Importance of International Education Paul Hofmann Senior International Officer at the University of Louisville “It’s important from an enrollment management standpoint. For years, we've been talking about the enrollment cliff, which has been hitting different states at different times, but one clear thing is the enrollment cliff is here. When we think about international student enrollment, that's also a ten in terms of importance to offset some of the losses that we're seeing in domestic enrollment because we don't have as many high RATING: 10 school graduates to fill all of the seats that we have in the United, States.”

(2:26 Video) The Vital Importance of International Education "The diversity of thought should be our greatest strength in this country. It's vital not only to universities but to the United States as a whole." —Paul Hofmann

The Vital Importance of International Education - Page 11

Rating The Importance of International Education Jason Kinnear Associate Dean of Study Abroad & Exchanges at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ” I would put it at a 42 on the scale of 1-10. Life's the universe and everything. With our students today, preparing them to work in a globalized world is crucial. Any university that's preparing students to work in any piece of the economy has to RATING: 42 have a global component to their education..”

(0:00 Video) Title TBD Video & quote are TBD and will be coming from the podcast recording set for 2.21.24. The quote on the previous page was from the prep call. We will also be getting his take on recreating the IE office from scratch, which is what he did after COVID- 19. That discussion will include the data that they need to run the prefect IE program. ”TBD." —Jason Kinnear

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The Vital Importance of International Education - Page 14