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What’s Inside [0:56] Introduction to Meredith McQuaid [31:46] Full Podcast Episode [2:11] Promoting International Education: Challenges and Solutions [1:50] The Impact of International Education: Perception vs. Reality [4:53] Unlocking Impact Measurement in Global Education [4:58] How to Advocate for Global Education: Data, Stories, Collaboration [2:06] SIO Strategies After Losing International Education Support [1:46] Optimizing International Education Support at Any Level [2:41] How IE Raises the Profile of Universities [2:10] Is IE a Practical Solution to the Enrollment Cliff? [1:25] Putting International Education on the President's Radar

Meredith McQuaid- "International Education Consultant & Strategic Advisor" - Page 2 Meredith McQuaid- "International Education Consultant & Strategic Advisor" Page 1 Page 3