What’s Inside [1:25] Introduction to Joanna Regulska and Jolynn Shoemaker [30:48] Full Podcast Episode [2:58] Importance of SDGs in Transforming Higher Education for Global Sustainable Development [2:52] Impact of SDGs in Transforming International Education and Research Collaborations [1:08] Enhancing the Value of Higher Education Through SDG Integration [3:41] Global Goals in Higher Education: Advancing Sustainable Development [6:09] Implementing SDGs in Higher Education to Empower Institution’s Identity and Mission [3:16] Aligning International Comprehensive Strategies with SDGs Through Effective Collaboration [3:39] Practical Steps in Implementing SDGs for Institutions [1:16] Highlighting the Role of Professional Staff in Advancing SDGs [1:37] Start Slow, Build Holistically: Embrace Complexity and Partnerships for Organizational Growth

Joanna Regulska and Jolynn Shoemaker - "SIO’s Blind Spot: Using SDGs as a Framework for Internationalization Success" - Page 2 Joanna Regulska and Jolynn Shoemaker - "SIO’s Blind Spot: Using SDGs as a Framework for Internationalization Success" Page 1 Page 3