Charlie Bankart - “International Education: A Foundational Pillar for Universities”
In this episode, Charlie Bankart, the Senior Internationalization Officer for the University of Kansas, discusses the institution’s commitment to comprehensive internationalization. Bankart highlights the importance of internationalization as an ongoing and sustainable practice rather than a static set of offices and initiatives. He emphasizes the need for proactive advocacy across campus and shares insights into best practices. This conversation sheds light on the University of Kansas’ approach to internationalization and its impact on the institution’s planning and practices.
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HIGHLIGHTS FROM GLOBAL ENGAGEMENT INSIGHTS EPISODE 11 Charlie Bankart Senior Internationalization Officer at the University of Kansas International Education: A Foundational Pillar for Universities

What’s Inside [2:30] Introduction to Charlie Bankart [35:58] Full Podcast Episode [4:11] The True Role of International Education [4:38] The Path to Global Engagement Impact [2:15] Avoiding the Perils of International Education Peripheralization [4:39] Why IE Goes Well Beyond Traditional Enrollment Opportunities [5:30] Shared Priorities: IE as a Part of the Dean’s 5-Year Plan. [3:53] Changing The Role of Advocacy & Planning [3:13] Internationalization: The Impact of Proactive Advocacy [3:06] Embracing Change and Advocacy in International Education
A Podcast with Charlie Bankart In this episode, Charlie Bankart, the Senior Internationalization Officer for the University of Kansas, discusses the institution’s commitment to comprehensive internationalization. Bankart highlights the importance of internationalization as an ongoing and sustainable practice rather than a static set of offices and initiatives. He emphasizes the need for proactive advocacy across campus and shares insights into best practices. This conversation sheds light on the University of Kansas’ approach to internationalization and its impact on the institution’s planning and practices.
Full Episode “I think the question is, is there a university out there that isn’t engaged with the world? Because I think it’s impossible.” —CHARLIE BANKART
Full Episode: Topics Covered 1. Embracing Internationalization as a Foundational Pillar 2. The Changing Role of the International Education Office 3. The Practical Implications of International Education 4. The Power of International Research Collaborations
(4:11 Video) The True Role of International Education “International education had been somewhat peripheralized in the past and not part of a structured planning process.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(4:38 Video) The Path to Global Engagement Impact “We have a foundational pillar that focuses on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging alongside internationalization.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(2:15 Video) Avoiding the Perils of International Education Peripheralization “Is there a university out there that isn’t engaged with the world?” —CHARLIE BANKART
(4:39 Video) Why IE Goes Well Beyond Traditional Enrollment Opportunities “Enrollment is about inclusion. Enrollment is about outreach. Enrollment is about diversifying your curriculum and the outcomes.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(5:30 Video) Shared Priorities: IE as a Part of the Dean’s 5-Year Plan “The funding that I have is going to go and support your work in this particular area because we have shared interests. My priority isn’t more important than yours.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(3:53 Video) Changing The Role of Advocacy & Planning. “We track data, and it’s important to us to pull that data together, to sit down with the dean to contextualize that data and to help him or her know the contributions that their faculty and staff and students are making because they are substantial.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(3:13 Video) Internationalization: The Impact of Proactive Advocacy “Make the time to take the things that we are, our existence, and put it to use in the service of others.” —CHARLIE BANKART
(3:06 Video) Embracing Change and Advocacy in International Education “The work that we do remains important regardless of those things that we can’t control.” —CHARLIE BANKART
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